Feedback og klager

Hvis du har en klage er du meget velkommen til at benytte kontaktformularen herunder. Herefter vil vi tage kontakt inden for 1 arbejdsdag for at bekræfte at klagen bliver behandlet. Vi tager alle klager/feedback seriøst og vil undersøge sagen omhyggeligt. Fra modtagelsen af klagen vil vi søge at løse klagen indenfor 3 arbejdsdage. Hvis der er behov for at indhente yderligere oplysninger vil vi række ud til klageren. Vi ønsker herefter at løse klager indenfor 15 arbejdsdage efter modtagelse af klagen. I særlige tilfælde hvor klagen ikke kan løses indenfor 15 dage er den maksimale svartid 35 dage. Klageren vil blive informeret herom. En klage anses for løst, når der er givet et endelig svar til klageren. Ønsker du ikke at benytte formularen herunder er du også meget velkommen til at henvende dig via kontaktinformationerne, som kan findes nederst på denne side.

We are your first port of call for any queries or concerns, including complaints. We will handle these complaints in line with our complaints process.

We work with Currencycloud, who ultimately provides you with regulated payments and e-money services. Currencycloud has certain obligations as a regulated financial services institution, including around complaints. We keep them informed of the complaints we receive from you regarding the regulated payments and e-money services they ultimately provide to you. They oversee how we handle complaints to ensure we do this to the standard required under the regulations. However, if for any reason your complaint regarding your payments and e-money services has not been acknowledged or dealt with by us, or if you have concerns about the way it has been handled, Currencycloud’s complaints information can be found here Complaints Procedure | Currencycloud


If, for whatever reason, you are unhappy with our response, you can request further assistance from the relevant government body. If you are a resident in the UK you can contact the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) either by mail, using an online form or telephone. Further details and how to contact FOS can be found here:


If you are resident in the EU you can contact The Netherlands Financial Services Complaints Institute (Kifid) either by mail, using an online form or telephone. Further details on how to contact Kifid can be found here: